Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fit here we come!

Happy New Year Everyone!

2015 - the year of change

Alright guys, since it's the 1st and all, Dan and I are starting our work out schedule! I've been on Pinterest and researching for the past few weeks on the best workout schedule for us, and things we can do without gym equipment. Here's the breakdown.

Monday: Arms/Abs

Tuesday: Cardio - 1 hour

Wednesday: Abs/Legs

Thursday: Cardio - 1 hour

Friday: Legs/Arms

Saturday: Total Body - 1 set of arms/abs/legs

Sunday: Rest

Arms: 20 Push-ups, 20 Triangle push- ups, 40 air punches, 20 arm lifts - each side, 20 push-ups, 20 triangle push-ups. 

2 Sets

Abs: 20 crunches, 20 cross crunches, 20 oblique twists, 20 lower legs lifts, 20 crunches, 20 left side crunches, 20 right side crunches, 20 oblique twists, 20 v-ups, 1 min plank.

2 Sets

Legs: 20 squats, 30 lunches - alternating, 40 calf raises, 50 second wall sit, 100 jumping jacks, 50 second wall sit, 40 sumo squats, 30 leg raises, 20 squats.

2 Sets

Cardio: Biking, running, jump roping, jogging,

I've also cut soda out of my life - which will probably be the hardest thing, I'm kind of a soda junkie ;)
Check back for regular updates and progress photos

Xo - KJ

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