Fitness Journey

Start Date 1/1/2015

Starting weight: 155lbs
Height: 5'7"

Current Diet:
Junk food, soda, candy, pizza, anything I want.

To feel healthy, energetic, confident, and happy with myself.

I will post new before and after pictures at the end of every month.

Here we go!

Fitness Schedule:

Monday: Arms/Abs

Tuesday: Cardio - 1 hour

Wednesday: Abs/Legs

Thursday: Cardio - 1 hour

Friday: Legs/Arms

Saturday: Total Body - 1 set of arms/abs/legs

Sunday: Rest

Arms: 20 Push-ups, 20 Triangle push- ups, 40 air punches, 20 arm lifts - each side, 20 push-ups, 20 triangle push-ups. 

2 Sets

Abs: 20 crunches, 20 cross crunches, 20 oblique twists, 20 lower legs lifts, 20 crunches, 20 left side crunches, 20 right side crunches, 20 oblique twists, 20 v-ups, 1 min plank.

2 Sets

Legs: 20 squats, 30 lunches - alternating, 40 calf raises, 50 second wall sit, 100 jumping jacks, 50 second wall sit, 40 sumo squats, 30 leg raises, 20 squats.

2 Sets

Cardio: Biking, running, jump roping, jogging,

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